Saturday, August 23, 2014

Welcome to My New Blog

Welcome to my brand new blog! This blog is definitely a work in progress, but I am excited to get this show on the road.  A little bit about me, I am a 20 somethings scrapbooker and I have only been scrapping consistently for the last 6 months.  I live in the San Francisco Bay Area and work as a teacher during the day and go to school at night for my Graduate Degree in MFT. I love neon, typography, making new friends, ,reading the bible and burritos.  On this blog you will find tutorials, my random thoughts, the occasional recipe and a look at my life in the beautiful Bay Area. Thank you for stopping by and for your support.

Lots of Love,
Audrey Lee  

 A Few of My Favorite Things: 

Favorite Food/s: Burritos, Cupcakes, Gyros
Favorite Drink/s: Peet's Mocha Freddos, Boba Milk Tea

Favorite Movie/s: The Sound of Music, Bridget Jones Diary, You've Got Mail

 My Hobbies Beside Scrapbooking:  Baking, Swimming, Food Adventures, Hiking, and Shopping.

Brands I love: October Afternoon, Studio Calico, Simon Says Stamp, Amy Tangerine and Crate Paper.

Teams I Cheer For: San Francisco 49ers, San Francisco Giants, Oklahoma Thunders, Team USA, Golden State Warriors.

 Who I wish I could be : It's a cross between Mindy Kaling, Martha Stewart without going to jail, Elizabeth Elliott, Ruth from the Bible, and Beyonce.  

Blog Template by Delicious Design Studio