Monday, August 10, 2015

Things I Will Do in Year 28

 Despite my very youthful appearance and being mistaken for a 16 year old on her way to  Homecoming...... I actually turned 28 about 2 months ago which make me just that more closer to 30. To celebrate my 28th year on this earth, I have chosen 28 things that I would like to accomplish  in the next year. Some of these things are funny , some are super serious , and some have like 0.001% percent chance of happening.   Here is my list of 28 things in the year 28.

1. Read thru the entire  New Testament of the Bible  in Chronological Order.
2.  Eat at a Michelin Star Restaurant
3.Travel to a place I haven't been before
4. Read  at least 2 books just for pleasure   ( not school books)  each month
5. Get on at least 1 Scrapbook DT
6. . Make something that I'm scared of actually happen
7. Eat at least 10 new things from the 7x7 Big eats list.
8. Volunteer with  a new organization
9. Donate more money to causes I am passionate about
10. Purge unnecessary Scrapbook Supplies/ Clothing  /Home Good
11. Buy a Groupon for something  out of my comfort zone and do it
12. Create 4 mini book albums
13.  Pick 25 random FB friends and do something randomly nice for them
14. Pray for people more consistently keep up to date with your prayer journal
15. Meet Mindy Kaling
16. Meet a Celebrity not named Mindy Kaling
17. Reconnect with  old friends
18. Start and edible garden in my backyard
19. Stay organized in my planner and calendar
20. Write to someone famous
21 . Get all the artwork in my room hung buy new artwork
22.Start a capsule wardrobe
23.  Get Adobe InDesign and make a stamp
24. Consistently engage in Self-care
25. Bake something new.
26. Pray consistently for more discernment an to not be afraid to take risks and ask for what I need
27. Do more or what make me happy, but most importantly what brings honor and Glory to God.
28. Help out with a Christian organization I admire

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Welcome to My New Blog

Welcome to my brand new blog! This blog is definitely a work in progress, but I am excited to get this show on the road.  A little bit about me, I am a 20 somethings scrapbooker and I have only been scrapping consistently for the last 6 months.  I live in the San Francisco Bay Area and work as a teacher during the day and go to school at night for my Graduate Degree in MFT. I love neon, typography, making new friends, ,reading the bible and burritos.  On this blog you will find tutorials, my random thoughts, the occasional recipe and a look at my life in the beautiful Bay Area. Thank you for stopping by and for your support.

Lots of Love,
Audrey Lee  

 A Few of My Favorite Things: 

Favorite Food/s: Burritos, Cupcakes, Gyros
Favorite Drink/s: Peet's Mocha Freddos, Boba Milk Tea

Favorite Movie/s: The Sound of Music, Bridget Jones Diary, You've Got Mail

 My Hobbies Beside Scrapbooking:  Baking, Swimming, Food Adventures, Hiking, and Shopping.

Brands I love: October Afternoon, Studio Calico, Simon Says Stamp, Amy Tangerine and Crate Paper.

Teams I Cheer For: San Francisco 49ers, San Francisco Giants, Oklahoma Thunders, Team USA, Golden State Warriors.

 Who I wish I could be : It's a cross between Mindy Kaling, Martha Stewart without going to jail, Elizabeth Elliott, Ruth from the Bible, and Beyonce.  

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